Day Twenty-One “Who Dug the Well?”

Water is one of the most essential components of a healthy diet for our bodies. Those bodies are approximately 60% water. Water aids digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportations of nutrients, and maintenance of a normal body temperature. It helps energize muscles, makes our skin look great, and keeps our kidneys healthy, ridding the body of toxins. On average, our body could not survive a week without water.
Fresh water is easily available to modern-day America, but it was not so during Old Testament Bible days. Hand-dug wells were a priceless commodity, not only to humans, but to flocks and cattle. So valuable were these wells that God included them as part of the blessings and marks of favor promised to the Hebrews when they entered the fruitful land of Canaan. And to make the blessing exceptional, God promised “…wells digged, which thou diggest not…” They didn’t even have to dig the well, they were already dug, waiting to provide refreshing, life-giving water to the arriving Israelites. They enjoyed the benefits from the labor of others.
We have all benefited from pre-dug wells. Grandparents have invested in our lives; parents have instructed us, taught us discipline, fed us, financially supported us, and in many cases, laid the spiritual foundations for us. Many a mom and dad have sacrificed their own desires on the altar of their children’s needs. Pastors and Sunday School teachers have faithfully fed us from God’s Word, helping us grow in grace. Others have offered the ultimate sacrifice on a battlefield to secure a free land for their posterity. First responders put their lives on the line daily for my benefit. I’m personally thankful for a widowed mom, who labored endlessly to provide for me, to secure my education, and to help me mature into adulthood. Never forget those wells that you have inherited and those who have invested in you. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to take a moment today and show your gratitude to one of those well diggers? I’m sure that their hearts would be blessed by your words of thanks.
Deuteronomy 6:10-11 And it shall be, when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers…to give thee…wells digged, which thou diggest not…
Thank You, Lord, for those who have invested in my life and left pre-dug wells for me. Thank You for a mother who invested tirelessly to provide for me. Thank You for those pastors and spiritual leaders who have brought me up in the Word of God, feeding me and guiding me. Thank you for those men and women who have sacrificed on the battle fields so that I am able to enjoy the freedoms I have. Thank You, Lord, for all those wells!
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