Day Twenty-Five “Straight Rows”

I love well-manicured lawns; nothing impresses me quite like seeing those straight mower lines on freshly-cut grass. When our eldest still lived at home, he was the appointed ruler of all things involving the lawn. He was a perfectionist, making our modest country lawn look like it had been professionally cut, with its perfectly straight lines and alternating patterns. Now that he has a home of his own, I have had to take over that meticulous responsibility, giving my best effort to mimic his stylish mowing technique. I fail miserably.
The book of II Timothy was chronologically one of the last messages from Paul, that great preacher and missionary of the New Testament early church years. This would be the last letter that he would pen, his final advice, and he had much counsel for young Timothy, his spiritual son. What would the Holy Spirit guide him to say? What would he include in this last letter? What would YOU include in a goodbye letter? You may be surprised to find that some of what was penned had to do with cutting straight lines, somewhat like my mower rows. Paul used the phrase “rightly dividing” (to cut straight) to encourage Timothy to be well-studied in God’s Word, to compare Scripture to Scripture, to understand more clearly the deep lessons contained therein. By prayerfully dissecting a passage, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, Timothy could gain a fuller knowledge of God and become a more faithful pastor to others.
If I could give some final advice to those following me, it would be the same as Paul’s. Study! Set a goal to be an approved workman, one who is skillful with his tools, knowing how to glean truth, and one who will ultimately be “approved of God.” Study entire passages, not just randomly picking and choosing verses, but “comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” By carefully immersing ourselves in the entire revelation of God, we protect ourselves from being “…tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine…whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” Keep a tidy lawn, cutting straight lines as you study God’s precious message to us.
II Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Help me, Lord, to be a devoted student of Your Word. Help me to rightly divide Your Word, studying deeply and prayerfully. Thank You that You have given the Holy Spirit to teach and insturct.
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