Day Twenty-Eight “And He Kneeled”

No other man could match his splendor; no other recorded king of Israel would even come close to his wealth and wisdom. Even Jesus Himself referred to this king when speaking of the raiment that God provides for His “lilies of the field,” Jesus stated that “even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” King David’s sin with Bathsheba had been confessed and forgiven by a God of incomprehensible patience and mercy, and their union would eventually beget an heir to the throne of Israel, King Solomon.
When God asked Solomon “Ask what I shall give thee,” Solomon wisely sought “an understanding heart.” Solomon knew that he could not lead God’s people without God’s wisdom. That humble request pleased God, and He blessed Solomon beyond measure, for we read that his wisdom “excelled all the children of the east country.” Dignitaries from far and wide would journey to Jerusalem to meet this renowned man, with their response mirroring that of the Queen of Sheba, whose words are recorded for us, “I heard…of thy acts and of thy wisdom…and behold…thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I had heard.” Much of his wise advice has endured, preserved and available for us to glean through the Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. Wow! Wise, wealthy, powerful, respected, and blessed. What a man!
Solomon eventually fulfilled the desire of David’s heart and completed the temple, restoring the sacred Ark of the Covenant to its honored place beneath the cherubim’s wings in the Holy of Holies. At the dedication of the temple, we are told that “the glory of the LORD filled the house of God” as the singers and musicians were united in one goal, to make “a sound to be heard in thanking and praising the LORD:” The holiness of God was so overwhelming that the priests could not stand to minister when confronted with the wonder of Jehovah’s glory. What would Solomon’s response be? What would this highly-respected king do when faced with a God that “…the heavens of heavens cannot contain?” What example would this wise king set for his people? This noble and honored king humbled himself before his people, lifted his hands toward heaven, “and kneeled upon his knees” in reverence. This powerful, wise king bowed the knee in humble reverence.
May we never be flippant concerning the holiness of God. Use His name reverently and prayerfully. He is Creator, Wonderful God, Master of the universe, King of Kings. As a redeemed sinner, I must never lose sight of the glory and splendor of His majesty. Let’s take a moment today to be as wise as Solomon and learn to bow the knee before our Father.
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another…Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.”
God, always keep me humbly aware of the glory and holiness that is Yours. I want to always bow the knee in Your presence. Give me a reverence for You and Your Word, and convict me when my attitude becomes careless and flippant.
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