Day Twenty-Nine “Infectious Disease”

I couldn’t sleep. I had a nasty headache, not a normal every-day headache, but definitely the worst headache that I had ever experienced, EVER. A few days later, nausea and achiness joined the headache to transform me into one miserable woman. A week later, I found myself lying on an examination table at my doctor’s office, covered in rashes, so ill that I needed assistance to sit up. I was frightened; what was happening to me? Never before had I felt so weak, so desperately ill.
Extensive bloodwork exposed the culprit, lymes disease. A small tick-borne bacteria with a weird name, Borrelia, had at some point entered my blood stream and proceeded to wreak havoc on my immune system. The bite was so miniscule that it went undetected until the symptoms appeared and worsened. A lengthy recovery period, along with long-term antibiotics, would be required to restore my body to good health and wellness. And even though the illness has been stayed and most of the symptoms eliminated, I still carry the effects of that disease years later, permanent damage to my body that cannot be restored.
My bout with this infectious enemy served as a powerful object lesson for me. The experience was a graphic illustration of the destructive power that sin can have in my life. Just as my body was debilitated by this small, unnoticed bacteria, my spiritual vessel can be devastated by the power of sin. Satan is a formidable enemy, always searching for some crack in my spiritual armor, some way to draw me away from my Savior and render my testimony null and void.
Keep short accounts with God. As soon as sin creeps in, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant, confess it and forsake it. Don’t allow sin any fertile soil that would allow it to root and to grow; it will spread and destroy your walk with God. Stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit, asking Him daily to help you to keep your conscience pure and your life clean. Resist the devil, but at the same time, draw close to the Father. Allow the cleansing balm of the Word of Truth to bathe and to cleanse you spiritually on a daily basis. Don’t allow the bacteria of sin to sicken you and mar your temple. Confront that sin before your system succumbs to it and the damage becomes permanent.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Keep me on guard, watching for any small sin that can destroy my walk with You. Help me to keep short accounts with You, confessing and forsaking sin on a daily basis. Please nudge my spirit when I allow anything that displeases You to find root in my heart.
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