Day Thirty-One “Vines”

We had some nasty wind storms this past winter, taking down trees along our property line. It’s been a major process cleaning up the mess left behind. Today’s project involved removing a vine that was straddling the edge of our property line. With gloves and rake in hand, clothed with sheer determination (and not much in the way of a plan of action), I tackled the project. I grabbed the dead vine and pulled with all my strength, nothing happened. Not to be defeated, I repeated the yanking process. Hmmmm, no good. I called to my husband for assistance and we both put our shoulders to the task, still nothing. That vine would not budge; it was stubbornly entrenched in the ground, succumbing to our effort only when we dug out the entire root.
After that day-long project, I did some research and learned some interesting things about vines, particularly grape vines. Did you know that the root of a vine grows deeper than most other plant life? The branch growth seen above ground is dependent on the depth and spread of the vine and root system, with vigorously growing branches having the widest and deepest roots. The root system also affects the richness in flavor of the resulting fruit, with the most complex root system producing the better-tasting fruit. The branch is wholly dependent as it abides in that deeply-entrenched vine and root.
Jesus, while instructing His disciples, referred to Himself as the True Vine. In John, Chapter 15, He instructs us on the subject of abiding. The branches are not responsible for producing fruit, the fruit is produced by the nourishment provided by the vine. The branch has the responsibility to bear the fruit that the root and vine produce, it simply abides. It is that way with us, we have no ability to produce fruit apart from the Vine, be it spiritual growth in our own lives, or our witness that brings new believers to the Savior. Our Vine tells us “…for without me ye can do nothing.” Notice He says that it is NOTHING, not even a little bit, zero; all fruit production is linked to our fellowship with the Vine. Anything accomplished in our own strength, without total reliance on Him, is merely “wood, hay, and stubble.” I have a perfect Vine; all I need to do is to learn to be a dependent branch, stubbornly entrenched in Christ, waiting for Him to produce fruit through me. Through His power, my life can yield “gold, silver, and precious stones.”
John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
Lord, make me a fruitful branch as I learn to abide in You. Help me to continually abide in Your presence, finding all my strength through Your Spirit. Teach me that I can accomplish nothing of myself, all that I do is dependent on You, the True Vine.
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