Day Forty-Six “Handkerchief Wars”

Many adjustments are made when two individuals pledge their lives to each other, when they resolve to love and to cherish for a lifetime. But all the counseling in the world could not prepare me for this marital battle, the notorious Winkle Handkerchief Wars.
While adapting to my new life as a wife, I soon learned that my husband had become accustomed to having his handkerchiefs ironed. Seriously? You’re going to blow your nose in it and it has to be pressed? Why can’t you just use a tissue like the rest of mankind? I have a home to run, children to raise, and meals to prepare; there is NO time in my crammed schedule for such a meaningless chore. And so commenced thirty-eight years of stubborn refusal.
Then on one ordinary laundry day, God convicted this head-strong old woman. He caused me ponder the gift that was my husband. I’m sure there were many a day when this man didn’t want to sit in a hot truck to provide for his little brood, or discipline a disobedient child, or spend his weekend on my to-do list, or comfort an emotional wife whose tears were running amok. Although not perfect, he was faithful, loving, and caring, always giving our needs priority over his, always loving us unconditionally. My silly handkerchief battle suddenly seemed petty, such a small request from a man who was devoted to me. I swallowed my pride, confessed my sin, and ironed the handkerchiefs.
A godly spouse is a gift from God. When we park our own self interest in the back seat and put our mate’s needs first, we are demonstrating the sacrificial love that will ultimately hold that union together. The family was the first institution created by God, one that holds great importance. Those family relationships would picture the bond between Christ and His church and mirror the model love of the One Who gave Himself freely and died for us. In light of that awesome love, ironing handkerchiefs isn’t a chore, it’s a pleasure. Spend a moment today showing appreciation to that special one in your life.
Ephesians 5:22, 25 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord…Husband, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church…
Thank You, Lord, for the gift that is embodied in my husband. Thank You for his faithfulness, loyalty, and love. Thank You for the years we have shared, and Lord, bless those that lie before us.
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