Day Sixty-Four “Finally Home”

The day had been filled with child-like anticipation and excitement. Lists were checked and rechecked, suitcases packed, enough snacks and lunches to feed a small army were prepared. Vacation time at last! How refreshing it is to travel, to see something different, to experience something new. I will take my place in the passenger seat tomorrow morning with the following supplies: a good read to conquer my I’m-too-hyper-to-sit car restlessness, some selected CDs to fill the miles with music, and enough food within reach to sustain two weary travelers. But I know me well, and so does the love of my life. I have deep roots, and when it’s finally time to return home, I will be more than ready. As much as I love vacations and new adventures, there is nothing quite like coming home. And oh my, that trip home always seems excruciatingly endless to me. As much as I anticipated going somewhere new, I find myself more anxious to reach my quiet back road, to rest my head in my little castle again, to be home.
Jesus was consoling His followers; He was going on a trip and they could not come. Soon He would suffer the bitterness of betrayal and the devastation of the cross; the Savior would be buried in a borrowed tomb, only to rise gloriously again on the third day. He would then ascend home to the Father, leaving His followers behind. They didn’t understand, they were confused and troubled, saddened in their souls, so Jesus encouraged them by reminding them that He was going to prepare them a place, a forever home, a mansion in glory, and when all was ready and God’s time was perfect, He would return for them. All who reside in this prepared place will be perfected forever, partakers of Christ’s fullness, clothed in His righteousness for eternity. That home will be a land of unspeakable beauty, sinless peace, with no pain or sorrow to darken our way. The streets, paved with the purest gold, the walls, jasper and precious stones. No lights are necessary, for the unobscured light of the magnificent glory of God will be revealed.
On February 16, 1975, I staked my claim on that new residence. On that cold, winter morning so long ago, this sinner was miraculously saved by grace and grafted into the family of God. I was washed in the blood shed for me at Calvary, and Heaven became my forever home. My treasures are no longer of this earth, but in the glory to come. And as much as I cherish my little abode that we have built here on earth, it is not permanent, and this weary pilgrim finds herself yearning to go home, finally home!
John 14:1-2 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you.
I’m homesick, Father, patiently awaiting Your return. The beauty of what You are preparing for me is beyond description, but the best part of that forever home will be You.
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