Day Eighty-Three “Spoiled”

It happens to the best of us, something is pushed to the back of the refrigerator and forgotten. Days later you open the door and, whoa, what is that unpleasant odor? Food spoilage, brought on by a combination of factors including microorganisms and the passage of time, has rendered those once delectable leftovers into something not only unpleasant to the senses of smell and of taste, but also dangerous for human consumption. The texture and appearance of the food has changed. Not pretty! Pathogens are now present, capable of exposing us to toxins that may sicken us if consumed. Not good at all!
Paul, while writing to the Colossians, was concerned about some pathogens creeping into this young church. “Beware, lest any man spoil you.” The toxins of heresy were threatening the early church by way of false teachers, preachers who tried to burden these new believers with a toxic combination of the traditions of Jewish law and the worldliness of Greek philosophy. This is a typical approach the enemy takes. Since Satan can do nothing to nullify the work of Christ at Calvary, he attempts to distort that free gift, to offer a close imitation of truth, a counterfeit. If left to fester, these add-to-salvation lies can rob the church of sound doctrine, in a sense, spoil it. Paul was firm in his rebuttal of the heresy that was spreading among those new converts, and he forcefully rebuffs the “philosophy and vain deceit…the traditions of men…the rudiments of the world” by reminding the church at Colosse of the wondrous preeminence of the person of Christ, and that the Christian life should reflect that priority, for “Christ is all, and in all.” False teachings, including empty rituals and worldly mysticism, fall short of the complete salvation offered by the One Who is sufficient for all our needs.
Christ provides complete salvation, we are “rooted and built up in him,” dead with Him, risen with Him, hidden in Him, and complete in Him. We, who were once “alienated and enemies” of God, are now at peace with Him through the blood offered at Calvary. Only the Father, “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:” could accomplish so great salvation. We come to the cross with empty hands and nothing to offer, and leave with eternal life and complete forgiveness through childlike faith in His finished work.
NOTHING can add to or subtract from our salvation, so stand firm “lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.” Toss out any false doctrine that adds to or subtracts from what Christ has accomplished before it has the opportunity to spoil your foundation in Christ. Thank Him daily for His free and gracious gift, that completeness in Him, and beware lest any “strange doctrine” try to decay the truth.
Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Bonus challenge: Read slowly through the Book of Colossians and meditate on Christ. What an amazing picture of Christ is presented on those pages for us!
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