Day Eighty-Six “Daddy’s Umbrella”

We had planned our annual trip to the amusement park for months, reservations had been secured well in advance, money had been stowed away in preparation, and oh, boy, the excitement was brewing! But one area was outside the limits of our control and preparedness, that being the weather. Our much-anticipated day at the park would be a wet one, sopping wet. Our sons were undeterred by the rain, after all, they were boys, getting soaked while riding a monster coaster simply added to the fun. It was not so for our petite two-year old daughter; those drenching raindrops were certainly not on her to-do list. But Daddy came to the rescue, snuggling and carrying his little girl the entire day, keeping her safe and dry in his arms, under his umbrella. My heart still smiles as I picture that teeny child, content, sheltered, tucked away, unscathed by the elements on that long, soggy day. What an awesome picture of My Father’s love and care that memory creates for me.
Scientifically, umbrellas are fairly simple to understand-you put it up, it shields you from the rain; if you choose to move out from under the umbrella during the downpour, you get wet. Nothing complicated, nothing complex. God has a sheltering umbrella prepared for us, His inspired Word. As long we stay within the parameters of the commandments and boundaries set forth in His Word, we are shielded from sin’s consequences in our lives. Submission to His Word shelters us from exposure to the harsh repercussions brought on by our own rebellion and overt disobedience. For added support, He also places pillars in our lives, those who “watch for your souls, as they that must give account,” those who help us stay under that parasol of protection.
The prodigal son learned “to be subject unto the higher powers” and remain safe under his dad’s umbrella of guidance the hard way. He was frustrated with his father’s rules and lifestyle, he was primed to be his own man, run his own life, make his own decisions. He left home and “took his journey to a far country,” living free of Dad’s rules, out from under his restrictive umbrella, but soon found himself friendless, alone, and starving. This young man finally “came to himself,” recognized his sin, and humbly returned to the shelter of his father’s umbrella.
That wayward son learned that earthly daddies have the responsibility of setting the boundaries of behavior in their homes, just as our heavenly Father sets those boundaries through His Word. Our earthly fathers are entrusted with the safe-keeping of their precious wards, of training up and protecting those in their care, of teaching God’s statutes “diligently unto thy children.” And children have the responsibility to “obey…and honour…” God places authority in our lives to protect us, not to frustrate us, He gives us His Word as a shelter and shield, and we stay safe and dry under the umbrella of obedience, surrender, and submission. Next time you pop up an umbrella to escape the weather, whisper of prayer of thanks for the ultimate shield afforded you through God’s Word and for those precious caretakers He places in your path.
Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
Lord, help me to honor those in authority over me by staying dry under their umbrella of their care. Thank You for Your Word, the ultimate umbrella of safety.
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