Day Ninety-Three “Stand Still”

Every time that I reminisce about this young student, I cannot help but giggle. He was in my elementary choir for years, had a gifted voice, and unparalleled enthusiasm. But what jolts my memory is the fact that, even if his life totally depended on it, he could not stand still. NO way, NO how! Impossible! Due to his height, he generally occupied a spot on the top row of risers, which accented the peril that would ensue if his bouncing and grooving to the music resulted in a plummet off the back of the risers. He did slip once, mid-concert, but fortunately caught himself before completely disappearing into the backdrop. It is a proven fact that my hair is a tad whiter, my nerves a bit more on edge, due to many years of futile attempts to keep that young man from swaying to the music, and right off of the risers!
Moses had led the captive nation of Israel out of Egypt, on their way to rest in the land promised by God, the land “flowing with milk and honey.” But Pharaoh refused to loosen his grip on his former slaves and pursued them to the banks of the Red Sea. Moses and his people were trapped, the massive, well-trained Egyptian army behind them and a massive sea of water before them, a hopeless situation by any definition. What was God’s instruction to His people engulfed in this perilous, desperate situation? Through Moses, God chosen vessel, the Israelites were told to “Fear not, STAND STILL, and see the salvation of the LORD.” When they came to the end of themselves, facing impossible odds with no human solution, God released His power, opening the sea, allowing His people to escape unscathed upon dry ground.
Always give God your best efforts, your fervent prayers, and your faithful stewardship, but there are times when we need to stand still and allow God to display His miraculous power. Our abilities and resources are limited, His are not. In the midst of our chaos and panic, our Father is loyal, loving, and powerfully omnipotent. Be still and relax in the Lord. Talk to Him, then listen for His calming voice. Just as my enthusiastic, wiggly student struggled with standing still, I’m not particularly gifted at that concept as well. I have a tendency to get ahead of my Father, plowing through my crisis in search of solutions. It is in those moments that I need to pause, to be reminded that He has never failed me, EVER. And He will never fail you. Stand still, consider His wondrous works, and rest in Him.
Job 37:14 Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.
Lord, I find it hard to stand still. I feel the need to try to solve my own problems, find all the answers. Teach me dependence on You. Teach me to stand still and watch You work.
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