Day One Hundred Thirteen “A Good Addiction”

Places exist in my universe where the OCD deep within me bursts out for everyone to witness, and the grocery story is on the top of that list. It’s a bit embarrassing, but I am willing to share my system with you. I organize my grocery list in rows, mentally imagining the layout of the store beforehand, then compiling the list so that I can select the items in order. If that isn’t over the top enough, I bring my own reusable totes and use the self-checkout line, so that I can bag those items in a structured way to ease the put-away process when I return home. And I ALWAYS scan those pesky you-have-to-be-eighteen-to-purchase items first, giving the attendant ample time to stroll on over and attest to the fact that I am indeed, well over eighteen. But I had a wrench thrown into my perfect plan today. Did you know that super glue is an over-eighteen item? People misuse super glue? How does one become addicted to super glue? Am I naïve, or is that’s just plain crazy!
From a serious perspective, our country is drowning in an addiction crisis, not only the obvious ones, such as drugs and alcohol, but also more subtle addictions, the hidden ones that are destroying us as a nation. Even as Christians we have to be on guard that we don’t allow our computer, the internet, social media, gaming, hobbies, anything, to control our lives and dominate our time. As I was finishing up the Book of I Corinthians today, I found myself carelessly skimming through the last chapter, but thankfully the Holy Spirit slowed me down so that I would not miss a priceless gem.
Paul was bringing his letter to a close, calling out the names of individuals to pass on some heart-felt, personal commendations. He included “the house of Stephanas.” Never heard of them, right? Why did the apostle Paul feel the need to mention this obscure man and those in his home? As I read on I was struck by these word, “that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints.” Powerful words. They enthusiastically devoted themselves, aligned themselves, set as a priority in their lives, service to their brothers and sisters in the faith. Now that’s an addiction that would serve the cause of Christ well.
Imagine the impact if our addiction was building up and supporting those around us, performing those seemingly monotonous duties with the love of Christ and well-being of others in mind. With that type of attitude, it is little wonder that the early church, “turned the world upside down.”
I Corinthians 16:14 Let all things be done in charity.
Lord, help my addiction to be serving others to grow. What a wonderful addiction to have! Revive my heart and fill it with Your love. Give me a servant’s heart, set others as a priority in my life.
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