Day One Hundred Twenty-Four “Pace Yourself”

Whoever does or performs any worldly employment or business whatsoever on the Lord’s Day, commonly called Sunday, works of necessity and charity exempted, or uses or practices any game, hunting, shooting, sport or diversion whatsoever on the same day not authorized by law is considered to be a lawbreaker. This statute was signed into law in 1682 in Penn’s Colony, later known as the state of Pennsylvania, my home. Sunday laws, or blue laws, were designed to restrict or ban certain activities on Sunday, reserving that day for worship and rest. In 1978, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled the blue laws unconstitutional, and today Sunday is just another day to most folks. When I was a tot, stores were not open, little league teams did not complete, lawns were not mowed on Sunday, and it seemed as though everyone found the time to worship and to renew their spirits at their neighborhood church.
Times have certainly changed, but our bodies have not; they were designed by God for rest. Rest allows our mind, body, and soul to renew, regroup, and refresh. Rest was a gift from God, a day set apart in His creative process, “…and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.” Our omnipotent God certainly wasn’t weary, or in need of rest, but He set apart “the seventh day, and sanctified it” for a reason. Sometimes the Good Shepherd affords His sheep an opportunity to “lie down in green pastures,” to slow down the pace, to rest, to focus solely on Him.
I love the example that Jesus sets in the Book of Mark. Every Sunday School child has enjoyed the marvelous story of a small lad’s lunch, a modest snack used by the Savior to feed a multitude. What an exciting and busy day that must have been for the disciples, feeding over 5,000 folks, ministering to them, seeing their lives impacted by the Son of God. But don’t miss what preceded this story. Jesus knew what His follows needed before that glorious picnic lunch, for He encouraged the disciples to “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile.” He gave them “leisure,” time to rest up before the miraculous, busy day ahead of them.
Pace yourself! Learn to say no. Realize that your body and mind need rest, a time to rejuvenate, relax, and revive. I’m not suggesting we reinstate the blue laws, but perhaps setting some time apart for rest and spiritual rehab isn’t such a bad idea?
Psalm 23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.
Lord, help me to realize that sometimes I have to say no and rest, regroup, and renew myself physically. Help me when I tend to over-commit, reminding me to take the time to be both spiritually and physically refreshed.
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