Day One Hundred Twenty-Five “A Rock For Mommy”

Such a simple, heartfelt act of love! As we were ending our annual visit to a local animal park with the grandchildren, our young grandson began his familiar search. Oh boy, here we go…again. We were not taken by surprise; he repeats this process every time that we plan an outing with him. As we headed for the car, the fun-filled day behind us, he scoured the parking lot and surrounding area for the perfect stone, a rock for Mommy. Grandma, Mommy has a whole collection of rocks I got for her! Yes, she keeps them all, safely tucked away in a small gift bag in her laundry room, mementos of a young child’s capacity for love, and his deepest desire to confirm that love to her.
That seemingly insignificant act of kindness was brought to my mind today as I pondered the Rock of my salvation, my precious Jesus. Through an act of unspeakable love, He became my “…tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation.” Everything I am is built on Him, and although my vessel may take a beating and my building may show some wear, my foundation is solid and fixed on Him. When I am windblown, weary, and in despair, I can hide in the cleft of that solid Rock.
But could you imagine how heartbreaking it would be to my grandson if he burst through the door with unbridled excitement, shared his treasure, and Mommy rejected that small stone, thinking it a silly and useless gift? That little boy’s heart would be broken beyond repair. Yet my Savior, that Rock of Ages, was the “stone which the builders refused…set at nought.” He left heaven’s glory to come to His own, but they refused to receive Him. Instead of requited love, He was “despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” How the heart of God must break when He sees that Stone of salvation, who was “wounded for our transgressions,” trodden under foot in disregard. Meant to be the “head of the corner,” He instead became “a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence.” How desperately sad and heart-breaking.
The heart of the Father is blessed when we, in childlike faith, recognize this precious gift that has been freely given to us, when we bow in appreciation for His boundless grace and mercy in our lives. Has He become YOUR foundation? And if He has, have you thanked Him today for becoming YOUR Cornerstone; have you praised Him for His unspeakable gift?
I Corinthians 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee! Thank You, God, for Your unspeakable gift.
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