Day One Hundred Twenty-Eight “Don’t Lose the Luster”

We had parked our car facing a beautiful reservoir, definitely one of our favorite spots to frequent during our crazy, college courting years. A small, one-room church dotted the landscape, along with a cemetery steeped in history, all surrounded by simple rural peacefulness. How often we had strolled the banks of that lake, dreaming of our future together, planning out our lives, our personal happily ever after. But today would be different, for hidden under the passenger seat of that old, red Mustang was a small box that would change my life. The box housed a treasure, a modest solitaire diamond engagement ring. I had never seen anything so beautiful, due not only to the simplistic diamond, but also based on the strength of the love that I had in my heart for the gift-giver. My hand would be awkwardly extended for weeks, as I strove to share my joy with anyone in my path. Years later, that ring remains a reminder of that special day and of the precious love we share.
To those of us “that have obtained like precious faith” by placing our lives in Christ’s hands, “are given exceeding great and precious promises.” Precious, of great price, honored, eternally meaningful, of recognized value. What we have been given through Christ is precious because of the source of that gift “through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ,” and the scope of that gift, “hath given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.” All things, everything, has been given to us freely through the blood of the Creator of the universe, Christ, the precious Lamb of God.. What a gift!
Has the thought of that wondrous gift lost its luster for you? Is there a blase attitude concerning the things of God? When the luster of that ring gifted to me so many years ago becomes dull, I take action. The ring is soaked and then gently brushed with a fine toothbrush until the shine is restored. When my salvation becomes old hat, lukewarm, I have to pray with David, that shepherd/king of old, for God to “Restore unto me the joy of my salvation.” I want to be as excited and as anxious to share that joy as I was when salvation was new to me, when my life in Christ was just beginning. I want that luster to explode from my life, infecting all those in my path. I never want to lose the wonder I experienced on that glorious day that I knelt at the foot of the cross.
Has YOUR walk with Christ lost its luster? Has the world, with its busyness and distractions, dimmed the light of His glory? Do you need to polish that ring and restore some joy and excitement? Revisit that blessed day when you were grafted into the family of God. Spend some time at His feet today thanking and praising Him for that “unspeakable gift.”
II Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
Lord, don’t let my salvation become dull, keep me excited and on fire for You. Never let me lose the luster of that glorious day! Help that luster to draw others to You.
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