Day One Hundred Forty-Two “All the Day Long”

Sundays are always special days at our local church, but we experienced a stand-out day this fall. Weeks of planning and preparation were invested, along with fervent prayer that God would bless our efforts and receive the glory. Invitations were sent with the hope that new families would take the opportunity to visit, partake in our service, and hear a clear presentation of the gospel. And what a day God gave us! After our Sunday school class and an impassioned morning service, everyone remained on the church grounds for lunch, giving us just a small glimpse of the upcoming marriage supper of the Lamb, a preview of that glorious day when believers from all ages will unite around a table prepared by God Himself. After lunch, a family singing ensemble filled that small church house with music and song, intermixed with testimonies of praise, lifting our eyes and hearts upward. We all left that house of praise wishing that we could put that day on a copier, or perhaps copy and paste it, and repeat it when faced with the Monday morning routine. But moments of worship are not restricted to Sundays; we can partake in that praise experience every day, and we should.
The reasons for praising God are innumerable, we couldn’t list them if we tried. As I have been reading through Psalms, I have discovered many praise-provokers, among them: His tender care (Ps. 111), His bounty (Ps. 65), His glorious works (Ps. 66), His forgiveness (Ps. 51), His enduring love (Ps. 117), and His unending mercy (Ps. 136). Even on those darkest days when praise seems most unlikely, the hours could easily be filled with gratitude for what was accomplished for us on Calvary and for the home He is preparing for us. Regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves, “From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same,” praise should envelop our beings and pour from our lips.
We live action-packed, busy lives, filled with chores, deadlines, and responsibilities. I remember my years as a young mother, those toddler-crammed days of caring for a young brood, and my teaching years, flying from one lesson to the next, never having quite enough time. I wish that I could redo those years and find more time for simple praise, opportunities to send a thank-you note to the throne of grace, taking “all that is within me” and blessing His name. I’m reminded of the lyrics of one of my favorite hymns, This is my story, this is my song; praising my Savior ALL THE DAY long. May I make that the theme of my life this year…praise…ALL the day long!
Psalm 113:3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’s name is to be praised.
Lord, make my life a life of praise. Continually remind me to find You in everything I do in the course of my day, and to express my deep love and gratitude to my Creator.
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