Day One Hundred Forty-Three “Conquering Car Seats”

Mercy, how did we ever survive childhood without car seats? As a grandparent, figuring out these modern-day safety seats is tantamount to understanding rocket science; a degree in engineering must be required to understand this mess. My hubby and I resemble the Keystone Cops as we try to maneuver these contraptions, and by the time we have our grandchildren safely buckled into these space-travel-worthy seats, we have completely forgotten where we were going in the first place. Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, and I do appreciate the bubble of safety that these seats provide for my young treasures, but sometimes Grandma is a bit overwhelmed by the myriad of buckles, straps, and bases.
But I have found a new car-seat verse to assist me through this frustrating struggle. King David lived in an era far removed from the crazy culture that I inhabit. Advances in transportation have greatly altered the world since the days of this psalmist king (app 1000 BC) to the global neighborhood that I call home (app 2000 AD). Distances that David could not even comprehend can be covered within hours via our modern modes of transportation. David was thankful for the fact that God would preserve his “going out and his coming in;” and that preservation prayer of safety is just as relevant for me as it was in David’s day. I need to be in prayer for ALL of my steps, all of my travels, all of my encounters in the course of a day, seeking God’s protection, guidance, and leading.
Does that mean that God will always make our travels problem-free if we place them in His hands? If the apostle Paul is an example, then no. Paul suffered many dangerous journeys, endured shipwreck, beatings, robberies, and lack of provisions. In Romans, chapter one, we have a bit of a window on the type of prayer Paul would pray when embarking on a journey. He prayed for a “prosperous journey,” not for himself, but that he might be a blessing to those whom God would place in his path, that God would accomplish His will through Paul’s journey. What an awesome prayer!
I think that the next time I am engulfed in the frustrating car seat wars, juggling belts and straps and restless kids, I will take that opportunity to pray not only for a journey that will be safe, but will also be a “prosperous journey,” a blessing to someone else along the way. I will ask the Father for an opportunity to witness, that my light will so shine that others may see the love of the Savior in me. As you embark on your travels today, be safe, and have a prosperous trip!
Psalm 121:8 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
Lord, thank you for Your safety as I travel. Help me to always look for opportunities to be a blessing to those who may cross my path, to display Your love and care.
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