Day One Hundred Sixty-Five “Chain Reaction”

I have lived long enough, survived enough children and grandchildren, to recognize a good toy when I see one, and this was a GOOD toy. Purchased for our own little boys many years ago, this toy currently resides in a storage box in our basement, still available to entertain children with its simplicity. Domino Rally, what a winner! Using a boatload of colorful, plastic dominoes, ramps, steps, catapults, and marble slides, an intricate display can be erected, CAREFULLY, so as not to start the reaction too soon. As soon as the last domino is in place, the first in the series is touched, setting off a massive chain reaction, knocking down each successive domino until the last one falls. Each original design varies in size and scope, but follows the same basic premise, a series of events will happen, so related to each other that each step initiates the next, but all triggered by the same initial event.
I noticed a Biblical chain reaction while reading a passage from the Book of Jeremiah. Times are tough for this tender prophet, his nation is under attack by a brutal enemy, his people have strayed from their God and blatantly refused to repent, and Jeremiah finds himself imprisoned as a result of his fervent preaching. Although circumstances are bleak, God does not forsake His suffering servant, but instead encourages Jeremiah and his people to “Call unto me.” And there it is, that imperative initial event, the first domino that will trigger other wonderful results. Prayer! Once initiated, the other dominoes will follow, such as domino number two“…and I will answer thee,” and domino three “…and show thee great and mighty things,” and “I will cure them,” and “I will reveal unto them the abundance of peace,” and “I will cleanse…build…pardon, perform all that good thing which I have promised.” A cascade of blessings would flood the nation if the “call” is made. What wonderful events were in store if that initial step, seeking the face of God, sparked that heavenly chain reaction.
How many blessing escape us simply because we fail to start the chain reaction, we don’t call. How would our nation benefit if Christians sought God’s face with more regularity? God encourages us to “pray without ceasing.” Our walk with Him began with a humble call, “whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” That initial call upon God launched our salvation, our walk with Him. Let’s never stop the dominoes of blessings, comfort, guidance, and peace that He has in store for us. Push over the first domino while on your knees today before a prayer-answering God.
Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.
Lord, remind me daily to call upon You, trusting You to answer in Your will. Help me to realize that prayer is not a request, it is a command; I need that constant communication with my Father.
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