Day One Hundred Seventy-Two “Bones”

Imagine this scene unfolding before you. Israel is at a spiritual low nationally, their people divided, anarchy and apostasy are ruling the day, and to complicate matters further, Elisha, the faithful man of God and spiritual leader of his people, had “fallen sick” and succumbed to his illness. His voice was silenced at a time when it was needed most. The powerful, heathen nations surrounding Israel were a constant threat, ruthlessly setting about to plunder the land of the Jews, to steal from their fields and harvest, to rustle their herds, to capture their children and compel them into servitude, and to annihilate any resistance along the way. On this particular day, it was the Moabites who were on the war path, marauding their way through an unnamed Israeli village, leaving destruction in their wake. But this was not going to be an ordinary day for anyone, for even as miracles go, this one is going to be a definite standout, a WOW moment!
Someone in this small, unnamed village had died, and as the invading army of the Moabites set their sights on this village, a funeral was taking place. We are not told details of the funeral, but as was the custom in the Hebrew culture, weeping and loud wailing likely filled the air as the mourning procession proceeded through the village. But an unexpected emergency takes hold, for these mourners “spied a band of men,” their enemies were on the move, the brigands were upon them. There would be no time for a proper burial, they had to act quickly. As they come upon the “sepulcher of Elisha,” an idea hatches, and they “cast the man” into Elisha’s burial site. Now it gets interesting, for we are told that as soon as the body of the deceased touched the bones of Elisha, the dead man “revived, and stood up upon his feet.” That had to be a bit of a jaw-dropping experience, not only to the men who did the body tossing, but also to the Moabite plunderers who may have witnessed this strange scene. A dead man would return home to his shocked family and start life anew! And did he have a story to tell!
We serve a creative God Who is not only able to get the attention of a cold-hearted people, but also restore life in a humorous, unforgettable way. Even though God used the dead bones of His faithful prophet, it was the grace and power of an almighty God Who brought life and soul back to this corpse. He alone has that life-giving power. But this thought came to my mind while replaying this short story in my mind: when people come in contact with me, do I revive them or drain them? Are my “pleasant words” and testimony “health to their bones,” or do I pull them down with my complaints, grumblings, and a sour attitude? Do I share the gift of life that Christ has planted in me, or do I selfishly keep it to myself? Do I exhort and encourage those God places in my path, or do I dampen their spirits? What are the results when my life touches another soul? We can glean some important lessons from those dead bones.
Hebrew 3:13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today…
Lord, I want to have that reviving spirit in the lives of people who cross my path. Help me to infuse Your light into their dark paths.
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