Day One Hundred Seventy-Six “The Cost”

November, 1942: I have not become the King’s First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire. He would be a controversial, yet resolute leader, an electrifying speaker, and an inspiration to a war-weary people during one of the darkest periods of world history. This small island nation, who at the peak of its cultural and political legacy, was the empire on which the sun never sets, was under the brutal, nonstop, relentless attack from the maniacal Third Reich of Germany. The Battle of Britain would be fierce, but Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill would lead Britain to victory by way of the undaunted determination and uplifting spirit he transmitted to his people.
But not all leaders are inspiring leaders, leaders who guide their nation well. King Zedekiah would be the last of the Davidic kings, a man who “did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God, and humbled not himself.” God’s judgment was coming to Judah for her blatant sins, coming in the form of a Babylonian assault. Instead of heeding the prophet Jeremiah’s instructions to “Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him,” Zedekiah refused to submit to the chastening hand of God, he would never follow his God’s instruction and yield to the Babylonian king. Contrary to the Lord’s direct command, this self-seeking king would attempt to lead a rebellion against Babylon, forcing Nebuchadnezzar’s hand to order a siege upon Jerusalem, a deadly battle that would kill many and last for well over a year. Eventually the invaders would storm the city, ransacking and burning “the house of the LORD.” The army of the Chaldeans would burn “the king’s house…all the houses of Jerusalem…brake down (her) walls.” Zedekiah would preside over the dissolution of the Judean Empire. His leadership doomed his people, sealed their fate. The cost of his headstrong, prideful, disobedient attitude would be terribly high.
How could this happen? The holy city of Zion, God’s lighthouse for centuries, the home of the blessed Temple and Ark of the Covenant, left in ruin and her leader humiliated? There is an important lesson to be learned in this tragic story: No church, nation, people, or individual is impregnable when unadulterated disobedience, foolishness, and spiritual stupidity are allowed free reign. God may choose to remove His hand from any institution when self-will reigns over God’s will. Just as Zedekiah sealed the fate of Jerusalem through his willful disobedience, we can open the door to unimaginable suffering when we turn ourselves contrary to the Lord’s direction. Take a lesson from the once proud city of Jerusalem and her high-minded king as Jerusalem was reduced to a pile of rubble. The cost of disobedience is way too high.
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Lord, my will is a powerful entity. Help me, through Your power, to conquer my own self-will and be submissive to You. I don’t want to learn obedience via chastisement.
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