Spring Fling Promotional

We can “bearly” contain the excitement! Once a quarter we award a $25.00 Amazon gift card to one of our faithful readers, and the time has arrived once again! A name will be randomly chosen on Monday, March 23, at 8:00 pm, and a spring fling shopping spree on Amazon will be theirs to enjoy! Ah, spring; it’s on its way, friends!
Some folks have inquired, so let me explain how to sign up via email. Scroll WAY down to the bottom of the page on any posted blog. There you will find “Subscribe to Blog via Email.” Enter your email address, click subscribe, and you will automatically be sent the new blogs as they are posted. YOUR ADDRESS WILL NOT BE SHARED WITH ANYONE. If you win one of our drawings, I will contact you through that email address so that the gift card can be mailed to you. If you prefer not using an email address, you are not alone. Just contact me through Facebook messenger and I will enter your name into our drawings. We have many participants who choose that method of entering our giveaways. After you enter your name once, I will keep your name in the drawing every month unless you request otherwise.
Thank you for reading and for encouraging me along this journey; your notes always seem to arrive on a day when I need that kind comment the most. I completed writing day 320 today, with only 45 remaining! Over 180 of those stories have already been posted on this blog site. You can access any of those blogs in the archives if you would need one for a devotional or a lesson you would want to share with others. Praise God for all that He has taught me through this process, for the time that I have enjoyed alone with Him, and for the wonderful friends I have met along the way.
Philippians 1:3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.
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