Day Two Hundred Four “In the Midst”

It was the “cool of the day,” another perfect evening in a perfect garden. Creation had been completed, the “waters under the heaven,” the bountiful ground that “brought forth grass,” those “great lights…to rule the day and night,” the vast array of “moving creatures” of the sea and “every winged fowl of the air,” all the “beasts of the earth,” and the crowning creation, man, made in God’s glorious “likeness.” Only one phrase sufficiently described the beauty of what was made by the hand of God, and those are the words of God Himself, it “was very good.” Yet this innovative, creative God would be pleased to walk in the midst “of the garden,” among His handiwork, to fellowship with His creations, Adam and Eve. God’s desire has always been to dwell among His people. But what began as Paradise was quickly spoiled by sin, breaking that fellowship, removing God from the His proper place in heart of their lives.
When the tabernacle was built centuries later, the tent completed, the furnishings put in place, where would God be found? “Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.” Since the tabernacle was located in the center of the encampment, God’s visible presence was once again in the heart of His nation. Decades later, King Solomon would construct a glorious temple, fulfilling David’s deep desire the build “an house for the LORD God of Israel.” As the assembled congregation rejoiced and praised their God at the completion of this stunningly beautiful structure, “the glory of the LORD…filled the LORD’s house” in such a powerful array of light that “the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud.” Once again, God dwelt in the midst of His people, in the holy city of Jerusalem.
Yet despite the glorious presence of Jehovah God, the blessed people would not remain faithful to their God, persistently violating their covenant with Him, living lives of disobedience and rebellion, until Ezekiel would witness that Shekinah glory gradually departing from the temple, and the chosen people of God succumbing to judgment by way of foreign invasion and captivity. But a gracious God gave His discouraged prophet an amazing future vision, for after seven decades of captivity, God’s people would return to the land of promise. The curtain was lifted and Ezekiel would catch a glimpse of a future, restored temple, when the “glory of the Lord” would once again dwell among His people.
When God’s presence was abiding in the midst of His people, it was plain for all to see. Can that be said of my life? In this age of grace, those of us saved by the mercy extended to us at Calvary are privileged to be His dwelling place, “the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you…bought with a price.” I was purchased to be a light for Him, but am I a showcase for His glory? Can an unsaved world see the glory of God on display in my actions, my work habits, my tongue, my conversation of life, my leisure habits, my devotion to Him. God still dwells among His people for He dwells in me, but does my life consistently mirror God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within me? How humbling to ponder that honor bestowed on a sinner such as I, to be His dwelling place!
I Corinthians 6:19,20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, and ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.
Lord, help me to be a clean, usable temple to display Your glory. Allow Your light to shine through me, drawing others to Yourself. Thank You for choosing to abide in me despite my failings. Help me to always show forth Your presence.
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