Day Two Hundred Twenty-Three “One Brief Moment”

All high schools have their mascots, and ours was no exception. We were the mighty panthers, named for that elusive and powerful member of the cat family, among the strongest climbers and largest felines in the world. Panthers are incredibly fearless and aggressive, a solitary animal that is fiercely territorial in nature. Yes, that was us, the mighty, mighty panthers, but unfortunately, so was a neighboring school in our same division. Hmmm, two panthers, what to do? The solution was found in a victor panther of sorts, a black statue of that fearless feline, presented to the winner of any given game to keep as a trophy. That symbol of dominance awarded the bragging rights to the ultimate victor, at least until the next competition between the two schools was held. What a sense of pride came from taking home that glossy black statue!
We don’t know much about heaven, mere glimpses at best, but not much fine detail. Our human minds can barely comprehend the vastness of our own universe, let alone imagine the heavenly realm that exists beyond its limits. But the curtain is pulled back by the apostle John, while he finds himself exiled on the isle of Patmos. John describes “a throne set in heaven and one sat on the throne,” the mighty God of glory surrounded by “four and twenty elders sitting…and they had on their heads crowns of gold.” Then an amazing event is described, those elders “fall down before him that sat on the throne…and cast their crowns before the throne,” singing a song of praise to the King of kings. I have sung in choirs most of my life, but I cannot imagine the wonder of that heavenly ensemble!
Crown are traditional symbols of power, victory, triumph, glory, and honor, comprised of precious materials, generally worn by a monarch. In ancient times, a defeated, captured king would, in an act of surrender and defeat, cast his crown at the feet of the victor, much as we surrendered our black-panther statue when we were defeated, which if memory serves, was often. That act of crown-casting deferred honor upon the one to whom honor was due, a spontaneous recognition that another had achieved the final authority through his victory.
In that brief moment in heaven, recorded by John for us, we see the elders grasp the greatness of the One to Whom “glory and honour and power” is due. In abject humility they fall before the throne of God, casting their crowns and bowing in submission before the One Who “created all things.” What a thrilling picture that paints in my mind! I thirst for the opportunity to join that heavenly choir and humbly proclaim, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,” as I bow before my Father, Redeemer, and King, casting my crown at His glorious feet. That heavenly scene certainly puts a spring in my step on the most difficult of days!
Revelation 4:11 Thou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
O, Lord, what a wondrous day that will be as we humbly bow before Your throne! What a day that will be!
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