Day Two Hundred Forty-Five “God’s Laughter”

A physiological change occurs, we stretch muscles throughout our entire face and body, our heart rate and blood pressure go up, we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues, but best of all, this mini workout improves our quality of life. It’s over the counter, no prescription necessary, readily available to all ages, ethnic groups, and social classes. Laughter may possibly be the most contagious of all emotional experiences, a full-blown collaboration between the mind and body, decreasing stress and strengthening human bonding. But as Mark Twain wisely stated, Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand. Perhaps that laughter can even obliterate an opponent.
I pondered Mr. Twain’s quote today as the Book of Proverbs introduced me to three characters, a three-men-in-a-tub of sorts, a simple one, a scorner, and a fool. Simple ones: someone easily seduced, naive, inexperienced perhaps due to age; scorners: mockers, those aggressively defiant, cynical; and fools: mindless, silly ones, morally numb, all gathered together in one powerful verse, “How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity: and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?”
God calls to this trio, but they refuse Him; He stretches His hand toward them in grace, “and no man regarded;” He counseled them, and they “set at naught His words. And what is God’s response to their willful disregard? “I also will laugh at your calamity.” Nothing can stand against the laughter of God. When “the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD,” God’s cosmic guffaw will be loud enough to shake the heavens. “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh” at the absurdity of a person, a nation, or anyone who willfully rejects the sovereign Creator Who fashioned them. From the perspective of an omnipotent God, it is a fool indeed who will not bow and acknowledge His authority.
Everyone enjoys a good laugh, unless it is at his or her expense. God’s laughter at the simple one, the scorner, and the fool, all those who have blatantly shaken their fists in the face of God, is both frightening and encouraging to me. I am reminded of the serious nature of disrespecting a sovereign God, yet encouraged in the fact that my God rules supreme over those who mock and blaspheme Him; He is in control, and some glorious day, He WILL have the last laugh as every knee bows in His presence.
Psalm 2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.
Lord, Your response to the simple one, the scorner, and the fool who rejects You is a stark warning to me. Someday the knee of all who blaspheme You will bow in humble acknowledgement that You indeed are Lord of lords, and King of kings.
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