Day Two Hundred Fifty-Eight “Sacred Scissors”

Obviously lacking from my repertoire of modest skills is anything that has to do with hair care and styling. My skill set in that regard is minimal at best. Aside from shampooing, conditioning, and fumbling with a curling iron, I’m at an impasse. But every few weeks I strike out in hopeful abandonment and reach for the sacred scissors, for it’s time to trim those bangs. There’s a history here, for when we were first married, we were on a tight budget. To save money I set about the task of trimming my own bangs rather than visiting a salon every time they drooped into my eyes. I went to the local Ames (if you are lost, just picture an old-time, smaller version of Walmart), to purchase professional trimming scissors. Oh, my word, $14.99! Seriously! For scissors? I reluctantly bought the item, apologizing profusely to my husband for the outrageous spending. I will recoup the money in the long run, think of the money I will save by reducing trips to a salon. I must admit, the first few times were disastrous, but even klutzes can be taught, and eventually I got the hang of it. Forty plus years later, I still have those scissors; they are a sacred reminder to me.
“I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.” When I hold those simple, department store scissors, I “call to remembrance” the blessings of God upon our lives as a couple. What seemed so costly and over-the-top decades ago, reminds me of how God has prospered us. We have a home, more food stocked in our cupboards than most third-world folks have in a year, and a closet full of clothing for all seasons. He has blessed our quiver with healthy, happy children and grandchildren. And although we are not rich financially, our spiritual future is securely founded upon the Rock of Ages. As I “remember…and meditate also on all thine (God’s) works,” I can declare with the psalmist that “Thou art the God that doeth wonders.” The money spent on those simple scissors seems so insignificant now in light of the manifold blessings of God.
Israel was strongly rebuked by God because “They remembered not his hand” of blessing, guidance, and protection in that nation’s history. Although He defeated their enemies, did “marvelous things in the sight of their fathers,” fed them so that “they did eat, and were WELL filled,” and “led them on safely,” they provoked Him with their faulty memory. They suffered from ingratitude, the subtle temptation to grow accustomed to, then to expect, and finally demand, the blessings of God. May those scissors always keep me humble, reminding me of God’s mighty and generous hand in the life of my family.
Psalm 78:35 And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their redeemer.
Lord, help me never to forget the vast array of blessing that You have bestowed upon our family. May I never become passive in regards to praising You for Your provisions in my life.
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