Day Three Hundred Eight “Unique Methods”

If I have learned one fact by being a parent of four and a teacher of many, it is that kids are unique little critters. A curriculum and style that is effective for one, can be fruitless for another. A reward and discipline system can yield fabulous results for one child, while appearing unprofitable and failing for a second child. I have learned that our creative God has formed each of us individually, with our own special characteristics, our own social, emotional, intellectual, and physical qualities, our own strengths and weaknesses. The Son of God understood the uniqueness of His creations more than anyone else, and hand tailored His teaching curriculum to meet a variety of individual needs.
The beauty of Christ’s ability to deal compassionately on an individual basis was reinforced for me as I read two accounts in the Gospel of Mark, one in chapter 8, one soon after in chapter 10. Both encounters involve blind men, men who are outcasts in their society, hopelessly resigned to living off the generosity of others. In the case of the unnamed blind man of Bethsaida, Jesus embarks on a detailed healing marathon, taking the man “by the hand,” leading him “out of the town,” spitting upon his eyes, and placing His holy hands upon his eyes…TWICE! Two chapters later, when approached by Bartimaeus in the bustling town of Jericho, full healing would be bestowed “immediately,” accomplished by a short, to-the-point command, “Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole.” No fanfare, no big ordeal, immediately!
So, what is the spiritual application for me? I learn that it is dangerous for me to compare the methods God chooses to use when dealing with His children. God may teach faith to one person by burdening them with financial problems and may choose to teach me the same lesson through an illness. One Christian may learn to walk by faith through affluence, but perhaps I may only master that concept while experiencing financial loss. My brother or sister may gain compassion through the betrayal of a friend, while I may be schooled through a grievous loss. My friend may learn patience while living a single life, as I learn patience through my husband and children.
God’s methods are tailor-made for us as individuals, designed to draw us closer to Him, to strengthen and to grow us in our faith. Commit your life to His will for YOUR life, knowing that how He chooses to work in your life is best for you.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
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