Meet the Author

Harry and I at Sight and Sound for my birthday trip

Hello friends, my name is Cathy. I am a retired teacher of over 40 years. I have taught anything and everything from Sunday school, English, math, social studies, and classroom music.

I have always had a passion to reach young children, knowing that they are our future. What better place to start than with my own children and my grandchildren. It is such a joy to see your children serving the Lord and growing in grace.

Here is my sweet husband of almost 44 years. He is my rock and my biggest supporter. He has been alongside me on all of my crazy endeavors. He may think my ideas are unreasonable and a bit silly, but he is always there to help me to reach those goals and to accomplish what I set my heart on. He is my voice of reason when I’m a bit unreasonable and my calming voice when I get a little too emotional. He is truly a gift from God.

Let me introduce the rest of my brood.   I have four wonderful children on earth, two in heaven.  They will be introduced throughout my short stories. Because of them, I have seven amazing, beautiful grandchildren. They are the reason for these devotionals/short stories. They are what drive me to be the spiritual leader that I aspire to be.

Why am I the way I am, that is a quandary for sure! I pray that I am like my mom, my hero. She was a single mom since I was eight and worked harder than any other person I have ever met, and never complained. She taught me to persevere through the hard times and to give my best. She worked tirelessly until she was no longer physically able. Known around town as the “cookie lady,” her friendly smile and demeanor left her mark on everyone she met, especially me!  

This is a little bit about me. As you read my stories over the next year, I think you’ll see a little more into who I really am. I have always loved writing; it is a way for me to process what is going through my mind. I just pray that my experiences, trials, and memories can be a blessing to you as well.

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